Reflection from Sexsibility 2024

The 2024 Sexsibility festival is over. Before I dive into a reflection of my festival experience, I want to mention my gratitude to the 2 lovely people that assisted me with both practical and social things during the week <3

This was my first Sexsibility festival as a facilitator! I have always loved this festival, and being part of the workshop team strengthened this feeling. This year I could see the processes behind the scene. The effort they, no, we do to be more inclusive, to celebrate diversity and much more. For example, the festival is working hard to increase the awareness that not each couple is consisting of 1 man and 1 woman. Instead we use words such as partner.

Furthermore, I was invited to speak about inclusion for a few minutes during one of the morning meetings. This was the second year I do this, which highlights how important these type of questions are for the management team.

I was also humbled by how the workshop leaders help each other, how the different teams collaborate, and how the festival coordinators work to change with the needs of the participants. For example, as the evening workshops were getting full, they worked to increase the amount of available workshops.

At 10:45 my first ever workshop at a festival began! At that point I could ask myself ”Is it the heavy rain on the tent that is so loud or is it my heart that is beating so fast?”. But, even though I was so nervous in the beginning I now feel that the workshop went well. In this workshop (Unseen Pleasure) I had 33 brave souls that faced the rain to come to my ”little” tent. I received the feedback that the exercises I had to demonstrate boundaries and consent, to find safety with strangers, and how to practice asking for touch and later pausing were appreciated.

The participants felt the exercises were a good foundation before the blindfolded touch experience. I felt the division into 3 different groups could have flowed more smoothly, although one participant liked the strategy I had so who knows… The rest of the workshop flowed fairly well, and all-in-all participants were happy with their experience. I felt totally drained, but after some hugs, food, and sleep it was time for Art of Presence!

At 16:15 on the 8th of August I took the stage in the Big Barn. Spread out before me was 35 curious couples/pairs. For this workshop I felt more secure, and while I was nervous I started with a more confident mindset.

In this workshop I began by talking about presence, highlighting that one key to presence is to connect more with our bodies. The first exercises were therefore focused on breath, movement, sound, and touch. We also explored how these concepts could work together to bring the mind back to the body.

After the initial solo-exercises it was time for the couples/pairs to exchange touch (30 minutes each). I guided them through a starting ritual, and during the massage I gave them hints and reminders about how both the receiver and giver could use breath, movement, sound, and touch to be more present. After both touch rounds they were guided into a calm integration to land after an intense workshop.

As I held space for the participants I felt a lot of gratitude. It was a wonderful feeling sharing my gift with other people at my favorite festival. It was also a special feeling standing there, feeling as if I managed to re-create the conscious, sensual, and safe space that I so like as a participant.

Is it strange to say that I felt as if I belonged there? I feel as if I have things to contribute, both to participants and to other facilitators. Inclusion, diversity, perspectives, grounding, presence, pleasure, understanding… One step on my journey is over, let’s see what the next will be!